Our address prices vary by country. Select a country here or carry out your count and price calculation directly with our online selection tool.
Single Usage
€ 0,23
per address
The single usage licence is valid for a one-time postal advertising mailing (direct mailing or catalogue mailing).
Annual Usage
€ 0,41
per address
With the annual usage licence you can use our data as often as you like for your own direct advertising purposes for 12 months.
Permanent Usage
€ 0,59
per address
By obtaining a permanent usage licence you acquire the rights to use the data permanently for as often as you wish for your own direct advertising purposes.
Filters and additional data
• Filter by company size, positioning, theme/facilities, type of business• Additional criterion as a separate data field
• Contact person (first-level management)
• Telephone number (without opt-in)
€ 0,09
per filter hit and additional data
(Single Usage)
(Single Usage)
€ 0,12
per filter hit and additional data
(Annual Usage)
(Annual Usage)
€ 0,16
per filter hit and additional data
(Permanent Usage)
(Permanent Usage)
Order processing fee
For data selection and digital delivery of our addresses we charge an additional processing flat rate offrom
€ 495,-
per country
Included additional services
• Delivery (data transmission) within 1-6 working days (for data from 1 country) or an additional 1-5 working days (for data from each additional country) resp., depending on urgency and workload• Geographical selection according to your preference (within a country based on official territorial divisions)
• Function designation / additional line according to your preference (e.g. "Attn: Management" or "Purchasing Management")
• Sorting according to your preference (standard sorting: postal code, city, suburb, street name, house number, company name, each in ascending order)
• Duplicate-adjusted, overlap-free delivery
• Delivery (data transmission) within 1-6 working days (for data from 1 country) resp. additional 1-5 working days (for data from each additional country), depending on urgency and workload• Geographical selection at your discretion (within a country based on official territorial divisions)
• Job title / additional line at your discretion (e.g. "Attn: Management" or "Purchasing Management")
• Sorting at your discretion (standard sorting: postal code, city, suburb, street name, street number, company name, each in ascending order)
• Duplicate-adjusted, overlap-free delivery
All prices are in Euro plus VAT and are valid until 31.12.2024. The prices are only valid for address data of the industries and countries published on this website (Gastro & Food Contact addresses). The prices for address data from other industries and countries (data from our partner network) are calculated individually. We exclusively serve commercial customers and no consumers according to §13 BGB (German Civil Code). The delivery quantity may vary due to ongoing updates and order-related duplicate matchings. Overlaps between sectors, business types and target groups have not yet been taken into account in the respective individual quantities. In case of matchings against the customer's own or third party address lists, the net quantity is settled according to the EDP matching protocol. The minimum billing quota is 70% of the delivery quantity, but at least 2,500 pcs; if smaller, the delivery quantity is billed.